Commonly Used Terms in Academic and Article Writing

POD, POA and CPP in Academic Writing
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Academic writing is one of the most lucrative side hustles, and there are commonly used abbreviations by academic writers. If you’ve been wondering what the CPP meaning in writing is, or what POD in writing means, then you’re in the right place.

Some of the common terms used by academic writers include;

  • POD- pay on delivery
  • POA -pay on approval
  • CPP- Cost per page

These words are used to negotiate and communicate terms before a writer can begin working. For example, unemployed professors cpp is a phrase used to indicate how much a writer will be paid. In the academic writing industry, writers are jokingly referred to as unemployed professors because they usually accumulate just as much knowledge as professors.

This article further explains the meaning of these terms and how they are used in the academic writing industry.

what does POD (pay on delivery) mean in academic and online writing

POD in Academic Writing

What is POD in writing? As said above, POD meaning in writing is pay on delivery. POD in academic writing is one of the most common payment techniques used by academic writers.

POD in writing implies that a writer is paid upon delivery of an assignment. In this case, an assignment does not need to be approved or verified before the payment is made. POD in academic writing is one of the most commonly used abbreviations by academic writers in the industry, and it has its advantages and disadvantages to both employers and employees.

Most Employers will use this kind of payment method during the high season due to the scarcity of writers.

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what does POA (pay on approval) mean in academic and online writing. POA meaning in writing.

POA in Academic writing

POA in academic writing stands for payment on approval. Payment on POA basis implies that a writer’s payment is made only when their work’s quality is ascertained.

This is among the most frequently used abbreviation in the industry. Payment on POA basis is not instant since it takes several days for the quality of the work to be checked and the payment to be processed.

Payments on approval basis may take up to two weeks or depending on the employer and writer’s payment agreement.

Advantages of payment on POA basis to writers and employers

  • POA in academic writing is advantageous to employers because they are guaranteed that they are paying for quality work which has already been approved by the client.
  • Besides, employers make a one-off payment as opposed to the POD payment basis where they pay for work upon delivery.
  • To writers, payment on POA basis enables them to accumulate their pay for various jobs and get it as a lump sum.

terms used in online writing, what is cpp in writing

Disadvantages of payment on POA basis to employers and writers

  • The most significant disadvantage of POA in academic writing, especially to writers, is employers’ failure to make payments. It becomes worse when a lot of work has been done, which means the writer loses a lot of money. There are academic writing websites and employers in the industry who have a reputation of failing to make payments despite being paid by the clients.
  • To employers, payment on POA basis is disadvantageous to employers in cases where the client approves work without them checking on its quality and accuracy. Employers face hefty penalties because when an approved order is brought back for revision, it is heavily fined, and it can get canceled after the writer has already been paid. POA in academic writing can make employers lose more than they paid their writers.


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CPP in Academic writing

What is CPP in writing? CPP meaning in writing is the cost per page for a given task. CPP in academic writing is determined by the employer, the writing account, and the writer’s level. For academic papers, a page has 275 words, which is double spaced.

Single-spaced pages are counted as two pages during payment. Employers offer the lowest CPP because they outsource work from clients and writing websites popularly known as accounts. When a writer is under an employer, their pay is fixed according to what they agreed on.

Accounts and writing websites offer better CPP in academic writing because one deals directly with the site. The pay is also not fixed since one is paid in dollars; when the dollar value is high, they pay is better regardless of the amount.

Getting work directly from clients guarantees the best CPP in writing because most clients pay something close to what they would pay the website or account.

what does CPP (cost per page) mean in online and academic writing

What determines CPP?

There are several factors that determine cpp in writing.

  • A writer’s expertise
  • the nature of the assignment
  • the website they work for
  • Employer rates

A newbie writer cannot be given the same pay per page as an experienced or top-notch writer. Beginners can earn from 2.5 dollars to 2.7 dollars per page.

Experienced writers earn from 3.5 dollars to 10 dollars per page.

Types of assignments and their urgency also determine the CPP in writing. Simple assignments like linguistics have lower CPP’s while technical assignments like engineering papers and mathematical problems.

Similarly, high school papers have lower CPP’s compared to undergraduate and post-graduate papers. Employers also set the minimum CPP, and they can adjust it according to their liking.

Websites or writing accounts greatly influence the CPP in writing. Good websites like Uvocorp, Writerbay, Essay Shark, Livingstone Research, Unemployed Professors, and Academia Research are among the websites with the best pay rates.

They are also the best sites to work with because of their flexibility and flow of jobs regardless of whether the season is high or low. That said, different cpps such as writershub cpp, writerslab cpp, essaypro cpp, and edusson account cpp generally start at $3 a page and go higher as the writer becomes more experienced.


POD in academic writing, POA in academic writing, and CPP in academic writing are the most commonly used academic writing abbreviations.

These three abbreviations are the most common communication tools between writers, employers, clients, and academic writing accounts.

CPP is the amount of money a writer is paid per page, while POD and POA are the payment terms that employers and accounts use to pay their writers.

CPP varies depending on the writer’s level, their employer, their level of expertise, and the account or website they write for. It is essential to understand the CPP and the payment terms before agreeing to work for an employer. To top it all, the level of quality a writer offers can determine the CPP’s flexibility.

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